SO the holidays have come and gone and we're so excited for this coming year...2010!!

Some of our new years resolutions:
1. Make our blog more fun!!
2. Make the last hurrah better than last year
3. Actually save some money for our next clothing party & the clothing show
4. To quit smoking (Sarah)
5. To eat organic (well at least 75% of the time, unless McDonalds goes green)
6. To get our bodies fit to wear bikinis in CUBA (5 months to go!)
We could go on but we wont! As for our New Years Eve festivities, we took it very low key this year and parted ways before the countdown. I hosted a fun little games night and then headed to a party where we sang the night away with fun!! Cass joined us for a couple of hours but then opted to go home and spend a romantic evening with her beau. All in all, a great night was had by all and we are looking forward to what exciting things 2010 holds for us and the last hurrah.
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