Many people who know me will compare my tastes and demeanor to that of an old lady, and I'm okay with that! I am not ashamed to say I admire the finer things in life such as: over the top floral upholstered chairs, librarian-esque clothing, rice pudding, musicals, cat mania and anything decorated with pearls! ... speaking of which Pearl is the perfect name for my next cat (or poodle!) It's not exactly out the norm for my Grandmother to give me her old clothing... she's a stylish old lady and we're practically the same size!
Here we have a few selections with a modern twist that my inner Myrtle simply can not live with out!
From top to bottom:
"Faye" Print by Hisss (don't you just want to share a cup of tea and all your secrets with her!?)
Lace Tunic by Lirola
Red Cedar Mixed Media Piece by CorkKindred
Vintage Peachs n Cream Chenille Quilt by swetthng
Vintage Poodle Lamp by retroradar
Thank you so much for featuring our poodle lamp in your post. I think there's a little Myrtle in all of us!
You're not alone! I definitely have an old soul as well, she's called Edna. And three of my best friends are Gert, Bea, and Millie! xo
mmm rice pudding... thanks for including my red cedar piece in your lovely post!
Oh, that lace tunic is heaven!
Camila F.
Just found your blog when I stumbled across and old post you did on hosting a vintage clothing party.. I've always wanted to do this. Have you had any more??
Now following!
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