Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fun times in Cuba!

So the excitement is over! Our week vacation in Cuba came and went... my friend Chantelle is now married, my sisters and I enjoyed a lovely week of sister bonding (or fighting? haha) and I came to the unfortunate conclusion of a sun allergy :( (in the medical office, $200 later, and sun dermatitis it is) Between madly missing our boyfriends and my sisters playing ping pong with the staff members, it was a gorgeous wedding ceremony! I think I might be planning an Alaskan cruise for my next vacation though!

Sarah and I had vowed not to check the shop while away, so we could come home and be greeted by tons of sales. Yeah, that didn't happen! We checked almost every day. But good news was with the $10 sale we offered for the week.... the shop was booming and we cleared out tons of old stock! Amidst the Cuban heat we forgot to celebrate our 1 year anniversary on the proper day... but drinks were definitely had. A huge thank you to all our customers making us so very successful during our first year!

Now that we're back we are looking forward to putting more focus on our "new shop" look (like our new logo???) and getting even more great, vintage pieces out there to enjoy another last hurrah!


Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration